Washington Elementary PTO Expense Reimbursement Form

Please review all your details before clicking on submit.  

  • Note that the PTO cannot reimburse sales tax.  There is a tax-exempt form available to use when making purchases (the form is available from your Committee Chair/ VP).
  • An itemized receipt must be included with your submission.
  • Must submit within 1 calendar year of the event date to be eligible for reimbursement.
For any questions or concerns, please reach out to the PTO Treasurer at treasurer@wesnjpto.com
If you are not logged in to MembershipToolKit, you will be asked to enter in your contact information again on Page 2. 

Submitter Information

Expense Details

Note that the PTO cannot reimburse sales tax.

Please provide who the check should be made payable too.  If the check is for a vendor, please ensure you have their correct business name.  

Please attach copy of your receipt.

Please attach a copy of your receipt

Please attach a copy of your receipt

Please attach a copy of your receipt

Please attach a copy of your receipt

Submission Review (Required)